Introducing a holistic approach into a gym challenge!
On January 29th 2024, 80 participants took on the SAINTS 8-WEEK CHALLENGE!
For the first time ever RESET Nutrition was involved…
Introducing a whole foods holistic approach into a gym environment was my goal!
Over 8 weeks participants took on a personal goal focused challenge! Each member was to dig deep within to not only put pen to paper on their personal goals, but to also write down WHY this was their goal, and understanding their why was the difference between success and failure - coming back to their why over and over again is what drove them through each week!
Along side personal fitness goals, most members also had nutrition and health goals! And this is where RESET Nutrition came in, introducing a brand new nutrition plan that was unlike anything SAINTS had seen before. This plan focused on nourishment over calorie counting, giving the digestive system a break from constantly eating all day, and instead focused on just 3 large filling meals per day… removing ALL the snacking, all the supplements, and all the processed foods!
Focusing completely on deeply nourishing the body with nutrient dense whole foods only!
BUT… only 90% of the time - still have a wine in the weekends, still have the odd snacksident. Instead of the usual restricted diet, this was anything but! When you tell someone they can’t have something - guess what, its all they can think about! What happens is if they ‘fail’?… They give up! Instead, relax, have whatever you like, 10% of the time… the other 90% nourish your body deeply!
We also had a big focus on education, teaching people how to put their plate together for optimal nutrient intake at each meal, introducing The Magic Plate!… So you could either adapt my recipes, or you can fill your plate up with what you have in the fridge, just ensuring you follow The Magic Plate!
I was nervous sending out my holistic nutrition plan!!! To a gym community??? A plan that wasn’t focused on protein, protein, protein… A plan with no chicken and rice meals… with NO protein powder??? I was genuinely preparing myself for an 8 week battle…
But the opposite happened!
Challenge participant Kirsty Andersons before and after pictures.
Bloating and inflammation reduction is the first to go when nourishing your body with an anti-inflammatory nutrient dense whole foods style of eating!
Silence… I had no idea how people were going, I heard very little over the first few weeks!
One of my big takeaways from being involved in this challenge, is people only really speak up in life if there is a concern or problem… when things are going well they are quiet! I started to hear a bit of feedback every now and then if I asked for it… ALL POSITIVE! Results were showing fast!
In just 8 weeks the baseline of both the health and well-being of the SAINTS 8-Week-Challenge participants dramatically increased.
Energy levels lifted
Bloating and inflammation was going away
Sleep was better
Excess weight was shifting
Coming to the end of the challenge the best thing we were hearing was “I’m not stopping”. See when you stop the restriction, and instead focus on health and nourishment, things start to change internally, and who wants to stop feeling great?